The day dawned cloudy but mainly dry with just the odd spot of rain threatening but been the CMC we were well attired in clothing that would (and I’ll not use the exact phrase that was used ) see us thorough the day and beyond apparently (you really had to be there).
Our merry band of 6 met at Carlingill Bridge just south of Tebay. Our walk took us along Carlingill weaving up the valley until we had to a choice of the rib up the side of Black Force or the scramble up the force. Four of the group decided on the pleasant looking rib whilst Dick and I ventured up Black force. The rock was a bit slippy but no major obstacles until the main force. Here we decided (not that we really had a choice) to bypass the main waterfall on its right. The bypass turned out to be some what of a botanical experience on grass, heather, bilberry bushes and the odd bit of rock, most of which was loose. At best the bypass was “sketchy”. However, Dick found a way back into the gill (Dick I believe did have a short rope but the thought of abseiling off a twig wasn’t that appealing) and we scrambled on up and whilst a bit slippy in parts we emerged at the top dry and unscathed.
With a brief interlude for lunch, we carried on up onto Fell Head and along to The Calf. From here it was a gentle descent back down to the valley and past the lovely Crook of Lune Bridge. We continued along the valley, and I don’t recall how but we ended up discussing sowing machines (I tell you it’s life on the edge with Craven Mountaineering Club!). As we were nearing the the end of the walk, we encountered a sheep entangled on some barbed wire and before we even had time to think “what would James Herriot do” the sheep had been grabbed by its rear by one of us, from the front by another and once immobilized yours truly was handed a knife and said sheep received a haircut and was freed, off it went…..without even a thank you.
Not long after and we were back at the cars, a great day out on the hills. Many Thanks to Dick for organizing this.