Hi All, You should have got this by email, but I’m posting it on the website to make sure everybody sees it!
Membership Renewal fees are due please by 31 January 2018 and are as follows:-
Full membership: £20 – reduced to £17 if paid by 7th January 2018. (FYI the overall fee has increased by £1 since last year because the BMC component has been increased by £1 to £14.25)
Student in full time education: £11
Please pay by Electronic bank transfer if at all possible. Bank account details as follows:-
Sort code 30-98-97
Account no 30143768
Please include the reference ‘CMC subs’ followed by your name, so that payments can be identified & we know who’s renewed.
If you need to pay by cheque please get back to me about whom to send it to.
If you are a member of more than one BMC affiliated club you may reclaim the multiple affiliation(s) – (£14.25 for full members) – follow this link for more info https://www.thebmc.co.uk/claiming-multiple-membership-refunds
Thanks in advance. Please contact me if you need more information.
Jon Lury
CMC Gen Sec.
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