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Craven Mountaineering Club has organised an ‘Outdoor/Mountain First Aid’ course spread over two days on two consecutive Saturdays in January 2024. This course is the nationally recognised ITC Level 3 Award in Outdoor First Aid and is designed for situations where you are away from immediate assistance in rural and remote locations. It is the standard course for those who work as outdoor instructors. In addition, the first day of the course meets the requirements of the ITC Level 2 ‘Emergency First Aid at Work’ qualification* so your employer might be prepared to pay for your course fee.
Our qualified outdoor first aid trainer will be Sean Whittle who is an active member and past chairman of the Clapham-based Cave Rescue Organisation and he will bring his extensive experience in cave and fell rescue call-outs to share with us on the course.
If you search online, you will find that outdoor first aid courses that follow the same syllabus cost £140-£200. This course for CMC members costs only £100 total for the two days, including a nationally recognised Outdoor First Aid certificate.
To book your place, or for further info contact Steve Webb (email/’phone or WhatsApp).
If the course is not fully booked by early November we will offer the spare places to other clubs/organisations.