Attermire Escarpment (Sport)
More recent development on the Escarpment now offers over 60 more amenable bolted lines with grades mainly in the 5 to 6c range. The rock quality on this sector is not always the best which is the reason that few of the older trad routes ever acheived popularity Even with the re-cleaning and bolt protection wearing helmets here is strongly advised.
UKC Crag Details: https://www.ukclimbing.com/logbook/crags/attermire_scar-602
We usually head for Moonshine Buttress, however Gorgon Buttress offers more at the lower grades so we can decide on the day.
Approach is made from a parking spot (lay-by) on the Settle to Malham road at the turn off to Stockdale Lane (NGR 836631). From the parking, walk up Stockdale Lane for 200m and where the road turns sharp right. Take the stile over the wall and continue north along the footpath over a slight rise where the crag is revealed directly ahead. From there continue along the marked path down and slightly right to a stile in the drystone wall. The Escarpment is above you over to the right somewhat.